My water broke at just only 22 weeks pregnant, unexpectedly. Everything was normal with my pregnancy up until my water broke. I was on hospital bed rest for 4 weeks until I delivered my son, Emory. Due to those complications, Emory is now suffering with Chronic Lung Disease. I’ve been at the Ronald McDonald House for over 12 weeks.

The best part about staying at Ronald McDonald House is being so close to the hospital. The Ronald McDonald House Charities is so warm and welcoming. I also love the food and donations. Thanks to donations, I have enough diapers to cover Emory for 2 months once he gets home!

The Ronald McDonald House has given me a chance to meet other parents in similar situations which has given me comfort and hope. My family and friends have been so impressed with the Ronald McDonald House that many of them now donate to the Houses.

If the Ronald McDonald House was not here, I would not be able to see my child everyday. I’ve been out of work for months without pay so I wouldn’t have the money for gas and food to travel back and forth daily.

I’m truly thankful for the Ronald McDonald House for everything. You all have given me the opportunity to be at the hospital with my baby every single day since birth which I could not have done without the Ronald McDonald House.
